Saturday, January 4, 2025

Your buildings property line typically extends from the inside of the city sidewalks surrounding the building. Where are adjacent properties adjoin, the property lines are most often defined by the underground line of the parking garages.

Developers are required to provide Green Space or Parkland as part of the condominium development. This is most often found in Courtyards on the ground floor. Gardens and other plantings are part of this requirement. Sometimes these green spaces can be found on Terraces or even at roof level patios.  New buildings are required to have a green roof – a vegetated roof assembly that acts to control rainwater and improve the city’s heat island effect. They are also nicer to look at!

Irrigation systems are important for the healthy maintenance of the Landscaping features. For optimal watering moisture sensors will limit water use and ensure plants are properly irrigated.  Closer to the Great Lakes this is even more important, as humidity levels can impact irrigation requirements.

A new element often found in urban areas is a rain water recycling system.  A large underground concrete tank collects rainwater from the site. This water is then filtered and used for watering Landscaping. Maintenance of the systems is important including changing filters especially once construction is complete.

Regular maintenance of the site Landscaping will often include tree pruning and removal. Trees have a lifespan and at their ends removal can become expensive for larger trees. It is important to accommodate these costs in the reserve fund plan.

Ongoing maintenance and the annual installation of plantings are typically part of the Landscaping contract and part of the building’s operational expenses.  

Overtime Landscaping activities and the growth of trees will often raise the level of the planting  beds around a building. This can lead to deterioration of building cladding components due to exposure to moisture.  This can also lead to water penetration issues and potential flooding.  Landscaping contracts should include provisions to maintain the original height of planting beds and ensure water is directed away from the building 

Proper maintenance is even more critical for upper-level Terraces or rooftop patios.  They require regular maintenance to ensure proper drainage. For exclusive use patios or Terraces this is often the responsibility of the unit owner. It makes good sense for a corporation to undertake the cleaning and maintenance of these patios overtime in order to limit the possibility of water penetration events, which can lead to expensive insurance claims.


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Value Added

Value Added

March 25, 2021
Parking Garage

Parking Garage

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Balconies And Roof Systems


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